James Samaritan - up to $500

Receive a monthly newsletter, T-shirt and Poster

Angel Sponsor - $500-$999

Receive a monthly newsletter, T-shirt, Poster, Logo on social media and on our website.

Ambassador Sponsor - $1,000-$2,499

Receive a monthly newsletter, T-shirt, Poster, Logo on social media and on our website, one breakfast during the year at the center for 15 people or less.

Patron Sponsor - $2,500-$4,999

Receive a monthly newsletter, T-shirt, Poster, Logo on social media and on our website, gold plaque with year, company name, and "We are James Samaritans", and 2 complimentary guests to all JS events throughout the year.

Champion Sponsor - $5,000-$9,999

Receive a monthly newsletter, T-shirt, Poster, Logo on social media and on our website, gold plaque with year, company name, and "We are James Samaritans", and 4 complimentary guests to all JS events throughout the year.

Legacy Sponsor - $10,000

Receive a monthly newsletter, T-shirt, Poster, Logo on social media and on our website, crystal gift with year, company name, and "We are James Samaritans", 8 complimentary guests to all JS events throughout the year.  Large logo on JS Tshirts.  Company logo on stationary, brochures and other material.