Why do we do what we do?
Our Mission:
We connect the community and church to create healthy support systems for kids and families in our foster care system.
Who is a James Samaritan?
A community member just like you who sees the needs of the foster care community and responds. We mobilize and equip local communities to meet the critical needs of our foster care and transitional youth, right where they are. We are creating a culture where our most invisible and vulnerable are better supported and empowered.
How can you become a James Samaritan?
Give... Mentor... Pray... Support... Promote... Volunteer

This organization is making a BIG impact in St. Tammany Parish and the lives of our foster youth and the families who care for them. They have an amazing new facility, allowing them to do MORE for kids. It is well worth looking up their programs and spending some time with them. Besides what they do for foster youth, they are incredibly grateful for any assistance you give. We've all donated time or money to local organizations and felt like they weren't all that grateful. James Samaritan is not that way! Take some time to see what they do!
Cackey M Haun
James Samaritan is a wonderful non-profit that supports foster children and all those involved with foster kids in the Florida parishes of Louisiana. Their vision and energy is inspiring! I am happy to be able to help them out!
Kathleen Garey
James Samaritan is an awesome organization in the Covington Region constantly staying committed to assisting former foster youth in need! Their staff always ensures that the youth feel that they matter and they help in any way possible! They have made extraordinary impacts in the lives of so many youth and left imprints that will always be remembered! We are so grateful for their staff and all the wonderful work they continue to do with the youth in our community!
Aliyah Zeien
James Samaritan is truly serving the kids and youth of the Northshore. They go to where the need is the greatest and do whatever it takes to serve. James 1:27, "Pure and undefiled religion is this, to care for widows and orphans in their distress."
This is who James Samaritan is!